This is my first blog so please bear with me as I learn how to do all of this.
I never thought I would have the opportunity to be a pilot in the US Air Force, yet here I am. Ever since I was young I have always wanted to join the military. My father is an Army vet., I have two uncles serving, and my grandpa was a WWII Army Air Corp veteran who repaired plane engines. He used to tell me stories about how close he came to death in the air over Europe. Very chilling things for a 12 year old to hear.
I never thought I would have the opportunity to be a pilot in the US Air Force, yet here I am. Ever since I was young I have always wanted to join the military. My father is an Army vet., I have two uncles serving, and my grandpa was a WWII Army Air Corp veteran who repaired plane engines. He used to tell me stories about how close he came to death in the air over Europe. Very chilling things for a 12 year old to hear.
I am now a 24 year old second year band director. I have been married for 5 years and have 2 awesome boys. I have no military experience except for what I've heard from my relatives. I am writing this blog as a self-indulging way to remember my journey, and hopefully help some other perspective officers become successful at their goal of becoming an Air Force Officer.
I started my journey after my grandpa died in late August of this year (2011). One of my uncles has always been an enormous advocate for the Air Force (according to him the AF changed his life), and this family reunion was no different. He had a lot to say (a lot of stuff I'd heard before), but this time it stuck with me. I thought "maybe I can actually do this". So my wife and I talked for weeks about it, and finally decided that this was for us.
I contacted my recruiter in October 2011 and officially started my AF journey. Since that time I have been studying for the AFOQT and researching like crazy about everything I can absorb. I am in the infancy stage of this whole process, but am extremely excited to have the opportunity to serve my country in this capacity. In the next blog I'll give a rundown of what I've been doing to study for the AFOQT.
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