Thursday, November 29, 2012

Flight Physical

Here is my experience with the Flight Physical:

First off, if you wear contacts/glasses make sure you bring them with you!  I'm glad I did.  Also, buy a Cliff or Power bar so that after you get all your lab work done you can chow down on some calories.  I got up at 3:30 to get on base by 6:30.  My flight physical wasn't scheduled until 7:30, but I'm glad I got there early.  The guard at the gate basically told me I was allowed to come onto base, but didn't know where exactly I should go.  I had plenty of time to look around and find the aerospace clinic.  I was so early that I decided to drive around and see what an AF base was like.  I hadn't been on a military base since I was 12 so it was nice to see it from a different (older) perspective.  I felt at home and comfortable driving around.  I even recognized some smells from different parts of the clinic building.  Anyways, I ended up standing at the Aerospace Medicine door at 7:15 waiting for it to open.

Initial Vision Check
After I signed in I was taken to a room to do some vision test.  They were similar to those at MEPS, but much less hurried and more extensive.  The circle tests was rough, but I passed it this time because I remembered to bring my glasses.  If I hadn't I might very well be DQ'd right now.  They also did the Senellen test, color blind test, all that good stuff.  After I was done with that they handed me a form that I had to take with me everywhere.  They told me I would eventually come back to them at the end of day with that form entirely filled out.

Optometry was pretty extensive.  All the near/far distance vision tests, puff test, and DILATION!  A word of caution about dilating your eyes.  I wish I could have done it as the last thing for the day, but I couldn't help when my appointment was.  Through out the rest of the day I had to ask someone to help me fill out every form because I could not read ANYTHING!  It was a very weird experience to be so powerless with my vision.  After the dilation drops were put in they told me to get other things done and come back in about 2 hours.

Various Tests

Lab Work
After I left optometry I walked over to the lab to get my blood and urine checked.  I knew from other others' experiences that they take a lot of blood so I was mentally ready for that; or at least I thought I was.  You get to give the urine sample in the bathroom (!), and then they take you back for blood work.  Around the time I was filling out a DNA card my eyesight started to change due to the dilation.  I had to ask the front desk for help in filling it out.  They took about 8 vials of blood from me and I thought I did well, but all of the sudden my stomach started to clench very hard, I got tunnel vision, and started to get cold sweats.  I had to look down and close my eyes and eventually lay down on a recliner chair.  After 5 or so minutes and some water I felt better and went on my way.

Checked in, went to a back room, took off my shirt, got a few good x-rays of my chest, put my shirt back on, and left.

Same as MEPS

Optometry (Again)
I found my way back to optometry for my 2nd appointment.  The doc checked my eyes with different machines and lights then let me go.

Lunch Break
I didn't have to be at my dentist appointment until 1330 so I had plenty of time to get some real lunch and explore.  After I ate I went into the BX (Base Exchange [a shopping center]) to look around.  Then I drove around the residential and PT areas.

After a couple of hours I was back at Dentistry.  Again, I had to have help with filling out the forms.  I thought for sure I was going to be DQ'd for my teeth since I was told I had cavities in my last dentist appointment, but apparently they were wrong.  The AF dentist said all was good and I didn't need any waivers.

Final Aerospace Visit
After Dentistry I went back to Aerospace Medicine for my final flight doctor exam.  They first checked my height, weight, and all other measurements (sitting height, back to knee, etc...).  Next I had an EKG (checks your heart rhythm).  Then I went into the exam room where a flight doctor asked me a ton of questions and then started examining me.  They basically check your reflexes, ears, nose, sinuses, throat, feet, abdominal cavity, kidneys, breathing, temperature, heart beat, blood pressure, your bum (for hemorrhoids), and (at least for guys) you genitals for any abnormalities and the hernia cough test.  Then you're done.  After I sat in the waiting room for about 5 minutes I was cleared to go and went on my 2.5 hour drive home.

Now I will wait about 1.5-3 months for the head doctor of that base, and then the headquarters (AFRS) doc to approve my physical.